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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Simple ways to reduce your monthly spending

When you live on a budget, it's important to know exactly where your money is going.  How else will you know what you can do to reduce your monthly spending?  The best thing to do is sit down with your checkbook and write down everything you spent the previous month.  Label your purchases as follows:

Gas -
Electricity -
Rent -
Groceries -
Dining out -


Total up the amount you spent on each and write it down on your list.  You'll be SHOCKED at some of your totals!  Last month I had a mid-three figure total in the dining out section, so I knew I had to cut back big time.

Read this article titled, 'Reduce your monthly spending'  and see if you are missing out on any simple ways to cut back.  Re-evaulating where and how you spend your money is just one part of managing your home on a budget.

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